Sunday, June 30, 2013

So Already -- What's in the Name of a First-Time Blogger's Blog

So already you're probably wondering why this blog is called "So Already . . .. " That's why.  

I will be retiring after thirty-five years as a public school educator in January 2014, and I am always exhilarated -- and sometimes terrified -- by that impending reality.  It's time for some moving forward -- for myself and for education, at the very least. But the future . . . so already, who knows? 

I've begun blogging hopefully. 

I hope that this blog will help me write my way into my own future, especially as I grapple with how much my educator self can, must, and will move with me into that future. 

I hope that this blog will give me a space and some company with whom to think about education's future -- what education can, must, and should be as it envisions and shapes the lives of our current and future students and the world which they will inhabit and further shape.  

I hope that this blog will provide me with a place to explore and make sense of the experiences and phenomena that, despite their clear and urgent announcement to my consciousness that they have so much more to say to me, I all too often let drift away.

This blog will have three content strands -- hence, the three Christmas cactus flowers above.  I will try to make clear when I'm talking primarily about my future, education, or those other topics that seem important to wrestle with and then write about.  

[Many thanks to my friend and colleague Melissa Rivard from whose photograph I screen-shot the blooming flower you see three times above.]

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